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Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015

Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015

Here’s the Powerpoint from the MCLI Dialogue day on Nov 13 2015:
MCLI Dialogue Day: Reaching & Teaching Student Veterans for Classroom Success (.pptx)

Don’t forget:
1)For a ready to cut and paste military connected syllabus section:
General version
Maricopa Colleges Version (choose Faculty Training & Resources/left hand)

2)The link for the Teaching Student Veterans Sabbatical Toolkit ready for break-apart into faculty development (released Creative Commons, so adapt and use, but share back by email)
Of most use:  the one page guide: *SINGLE PAGE/FAST USE instant guide to all 74 tips and 68 scenarios of the toolkit*(PDF)

3)Here’s the excellent stories of student veterans through their tattoos, done by Gateway CC’s librarian, student veterans, marketing and Dr. Joseph Swaba.  WORTH YOUR WHILE:

Toolkit for Training Faculty to Best Serve Student Veterans


Toolkit for Training Faculty to Best Serve Student Veterans

*SINGLE PAGE/FAST USE instant guide to all 74 tips and 68 scenarios of the toolkit*(PDF)

Table of Contents  (1 page, pdf)
How to Use toolkit    (3 pages, pdf)

A)INTRODUCTION to _Student_vets_At-A-Glance (12 pgs, pdf)

1)First class, First office hour (prep syllabus, tone, common situations)  (11pgs)
.      Actual syllabus w/section for Student Veterans/Active Military

2)Teaching Spaces (3 pages, pdf)

3)In-Class Behavior (4 pages, pdf)

4)Non-Visible Issues: PTSD, Crisis, Transition  (8 pages, pdf)

5)Time Management & Schedules  (5 pages, pdf)

6)Assignments, Classwork, Groups & Feedback (9 pages, pdf)

7)Writing, Readings, Presentations (Reflection in the classroom)  (8 pages, pdf)

8)Grades, Intervention, Tutoring  (3 pages, pdf)

9)Leveraging resources, allies + faculty role in in-processing (5 pages, pdf)

10)Faculty roles in ‘Separations’ (end of class, convocations, graduations) (4 pages, pdf)

11) Appendix: ALL 74 TIP titles + ALL 68 Scenarios AT-A-GLANCE
* *****************************************************************************

Do you want the source (.docx) files for each chapter, to modify/localize for your college?

1)Distributed under creative commons license
2)Here are the .docx source files in packed/compressed format (RAR)
3)Virus check before un-Raring!
4)Modify away, and share your version with it’s creative common type license (make sure to list your name, version, institution, and an abstract of what you changed!)  Email all this information with LINK or attached .zip/RAR file of all your PDF to 

* ********************************************************************************

SYLLABUS SECTION ready to go/ready to add to ANY college course to make it VETERAN FRIENDLY (.doc x) [just open in  WORD and put in YOUR college’s information]

Actual/real syllabus INCLUDING the VETERAN FRIENDLY section 
(For ENG102 course/Jan 2015)  (.docx)

* *******************************************************************************

Contact?  Want to get on the mailing list for the project/toolkit?
Email: or

Creative Commons License
Toolkit for Training Faculty to Best Serve Student Veterans by Miguel Fernandez is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

RESOURCES from Student Success Conference, 10/2014. 1st Class/1st Office Hour: Prep for Student Vets


First Day/First Office Hour: Prep for Student Vets

Miguel Fernandez, Faculty Liaison for Student Veterans, Composition, Creative Writing, Literature Faculty, Chandler Gilbert Community College

Time/Room Location: Oct 17 2014 11:30-12:15 pm / Maryvale A
Track: Teaching and Learning, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Audience: Faculty, Administrators

This presentation for better serving student veterans in the classroom provides an instructor, department chair, or faculty developer quick to implement/ready to teach tips to: 1)Make a syllabus vet friendly/vet prepped 2)Set first day tone: accommodation, not exception 3)Checklist for situational awareness of potentially ‘hot’ scenarios in the classroom or first office hour visit
1)Slides from the conference for 1st Class/1st Office Hour: Prep for Student Vets  (powerpoint)

2)supporting the slides: Excerpt of Sabbatical module 1: 1st Class/1st Office Hour  (.docx)

3)Working Draft (v1.3) of Sabbatical module 1(.docx)


OTHER DOCUMENTS related to faculty development for Student Veterans

NOTE:  YOU WILL FIND THE ENTIRE SABBATICAL posted here in various formats in JAN 2015.
Here is the APPROVED PROPOSAL for sabbatical for FALL 2014 (scope & objectives) (.docx)
“1st Class/1st Office Hour: Prep for Student Vets”  is a DRAFT chapter of 12 for the sabbatical.



Welcome to the temporary makeover for Miguel Fernandez’ Palimpsest Blog and Resource page

If you discovered this page in the last few hours, you probably came here from my TED TALKS BLOG.   Due to current high traffic, all older content has currently been removed.  It will return in this newer blog format in the next few days.  But for now, feel free to contact me at

In the next few days I will restore:
Links for college instructors working with returning veteran students

Resources for veteran students