Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015
Here’s the Powerpoint from the MCLI Dialogue day on Nov 13 2015:
MCLI Dialogue Day: Reaching & Teaching Student Veterans for Classroom Success (.pptx)
Don’t forget:
1)For a ready to cut and paste military connected syllabus section:
General version
Maricopa Colleges Version (choose Faculty Training & Resources/left hand)
2)The link for the Teaching Student Veterans Sabbatical Toolkit ready for break-apart into faculty development (released Creative Commons, so adapt and use, but share back by email)
Of most use: the one page guide: *SINGLE PAGE/FAST USE instant guide to all 74 tips and 68 scenarios of the toolkit*(PDF)
3)Here’s the excellent stories of student veterans through their tattoos, done by Gateway CC’s librarian, student veterans, marketing and Dr. Joseph Swaba. WORTH YOUR WHILE: