Miguel Fernandez is a first generation college student from Harlem NYC, and was an undergraduate MLK Scholar at NYU, class of 92. Miguel Fernandez is composition and literature faculty at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. He started and ran the college radio station, CGCCradio.com until May 2013 and was chair of CGCC’s Instructional Technology Committee for 2 years until Spring 2013. He is currently the faculty liaison for Students Veterans and faculty advisor for the Student Veteran’s Organization at Chandler-Gilbert. He was the 2012 Gilbert Excellence Award’s Community College Educator of the Year, a 2013 League Of Innovation’s Roueche Excellence Award recipient from CGCC, and one of two 2014 Diversity Advisory Council Award winners at Chandler Gilbert Community College. Recent writings include a piece for TED blogs, a conference presentations on “Veteran Students in the Online Classroom” for The Sloan Consortium’s 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning,” and “1st day/1st Office Hour : Prep for Student Veterans” at the 2014 Maricopa Community College’s Student Success Conference. He is currently working on a sabbatical project to create a faculty development toolbox for faculty teaching student veterans in higher education.
email: me@miguelfernandez.com
About me