Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015

Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015

Powerpoint from MCLI Dialogue Day Nov 13 2015

Here’s the Powerpoint from the MCLI Dialogue day on Nov 13 2015:
MCLI Dialogue Day: Reaching & Teaching Student Veterans for Classroom Success (.pptx)

Don’t forget:
1)For a ready to cut and paste military connected syllabus section:
General version
Maricopa Colleges Version (choose Faculty Training & Resources/left hand)

2)The link for the Teaching Student Veterans Sabbatical Toolkit ready for break-apart into faculty development (released Creative Commons, so adapt and use, but share back by email)
Of most use:  the one page guide: *SINGLE PAGE/FAST USE instant guide to all 74 tips and 68 scenarios of the toolkit*(PDF)

3)Here’s the excellent stories of student veterans through their tattoos, done by Gateway CC’s librarian, student veterans, marketing and Dr. Joseph Swaba.  WORTH YOUR WHILE: